
Footer v.2

22 Mar 2023

Футер с використанням tailwind
                            <footer class="footer">
  <div class="cont tab-sm:relative">
    <div class="flex justify-between max-w-[1107px] mb-[57px] tab-sm:flex-col tab-sm:mb-[67px]">
      <a href="./index.html" class="footer__logo">
        <img src="./images/logo-white.svg" alt="Natural Talents" />

      <ul class="footer__contacts space-y-[45px] ml-[35px] tab-sm:ml-0 tab-sm:space-y-0 tab-sm:flex-wrap tab-sm:flex tab-sm:justify-between tab-sm:mt-[84px] tab-sm:mb-[32px] mob:flex-col mob:tab-sm:space-y-[20px]">
        <li class="footer__contacts-item">
          <label>Give us a call</label>
          <a class="footer__contacts-link" href="tel:+01223 612231">01223 612231</a>

        <li class="footer__contacts-item">
          <label>Drop us a line</label>
          <a class="footer__contacts-link" href="">

      <div class="footer__address tab-sm:!max-w-full mob:!max-w-[187px]">
        <label>Visit us</label>

        <a href="#" class="footer__address-link" target="_blank" title="Address">
          Natural Talents, 1010 Cambourne Business Pk, Cambridge
          CB23 6DP

    <div class="footer__bottom flex justify-between items-center tab-md:flex-col-reverse tab-md:items-start tab-sm:flex-col tab-sm:space-y-">
      <p class="credits text-[16px] mob-lg:text-[14px] mob-lg:mb-[15px]">© 2023 Natural Talents</p>

      <nav class="footer__navbar flex space-x-[42px] tab-md:my-10 tab-sm:mt-0 mob-lg:space-x-0 mob-lg:flex-wrap">
        <a href="./terms.html" class="mob-lg:w-full mob-lg:mb-[5px]">Terms and Conditions</a>
        <a href="./policy.html" class="mob-lg:!mr-[53px]">Privacy policy</a>
        <a href="./cookies.html">Use of Cookies</a>

      <div class="footer__socials flex space-x-[10px] tab-sm:absolute tab-sm:right-0 tab-sm:top-0">
        <a href="#" class="footer__socials-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer">
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        <a href="#" class="footer__socials-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer">
          <i class="icon-linkedin"></i>

            class="mt-14 mx-auto block w-fit tab-md:mx-0 tab-md:mr-auto"
      <img src="./images/BOLD-logo-white.gif" alt="">

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                            // Variables in tailwind.config.cjs

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